When you think of allergies, your mind probably jumps to itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing fits. However, certain allergies can actually cause blood vessels around the eye to swell. And leak blood into the white part of the eye, resulting in dark spots or redness. An allergy specialist may want to do a blood test from any lab like chughtai lab or essa lab or any other lab. To figure out whether your symptoms are cause by an allergy or irritation from contact lenses. Or pollen and dust mites, as those can also cause similar symptoms. For more information on these eye allergies, read this article on Red Eye: 7 Common Eye Allergies.
If you have been diagnosed with an eye allergy, you may have been give a steroid drop to help deal with the inflammation and itchiness you experience in your eyes. However, it’s important to realize that this may not be the right treatment option for you if you are dealing with something different than an allergy. That’s where a blood test from different medical lab like essa lab , chughtai lab or any lab can come in handy. By taking this simple test, your doctor can determine what kind of inflammation you are experiencing. And therefore provide the correct treatment options to address your condition. Here’s how the test works and what symptoms suggest an eye irritation rather than an allergy.
This is an inflammation of your eyes, also known as pink eye. The symptoms include red, itchy eyes, burning sensation and sometimes discharge. If you think you might have pink eye, see a doctor right away because there are different types of pink eye with different treatments need. You should see a doctor if. Your symptoms aren’t improving after 5 days.
In order to know whether you’re experiencing an allergy or an irritation. It’s important to figure out what you’re allergic to, since the symptoms can be very similar. Here are the top 7 common eye allergies to watch out for and how to test for them by asking your doctor. About blood tests from medical lab like chughtai lab in general and if they might be right for you.
Eyelid and Mucous Membrane Problems
Commonly, it’s a reaction to something you’ve applied directly to your eyes—eyeliner and mascara tend to be big offenders. But in some cases, eyelid and mucous membrane problems can signify an allergy. Which could mean chronic inflammation of your eye tissue. If you experience irritation regularly, ask your doctor about getting test for allergies.
One of the more common eye allergies is to styes. Which occur when a small gland in front of your eyelid becomes blocked. Styes cause redness and swelling and may sometimes ache. Often, a stye will be accompanied by a yellow discharge. Styes are commonly cause by bacteria that become trappe under your eyelashes. If you wear mascara, there’s also a chance that makeup debris can clog up your glands. And make you susceptible to styes.
Dry Eyes
Dry eye syndrome is a common condition, causing many people to experience symptoms. Such as itchy eyes, foreign body sensations and general eye discomfort. If left untreated, dry eye syndrome can cause permanent damage to your eyes. Visit your doctor if you think you have signs of dry eye syndrome.
Sun Damage
Like skin, eyes are susceptible to both burns and early ageing from exposure to ultraviolet light. UVB rays – which do not penetrate glass – cause sunburn. While UVA rays (which do penetrate glass) may lead to cataracts, macular degeneration and even skin cancer.
Dry Air and Cold Weather
The cold, dry air outside during winter months is enough to leave anyone’s eyes red and irritated. Your immune system releases histamines in response to irritants, like dust and pollen. When they enter your eyes, it can cause inflammation and a stinging sensation. Dry air also puts you at risk for seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (sneezing, watery eyes). As well as atopic keratoconjunctivitis (severe itching).
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
It is a leading cause of blindness among people 60 and older. It can develop slowly, so its effects may not be noticeable for many years. AMD affects your ability to see straight ahead and to see fine details, like faces and objects. The first signs are blurry vision, central blind spots (black holes) in your field of vision. And wavy distorted lines at your side. Over time you may lose all sight in one or both eyes.
What are you struggling with?
Trying to figure out if you’re allergic to something can be confusing—and scary. Some symptoms, like hives, are obvious and easy to recognize as a sign of an allergy. Others, like watery eyes and sneezing fits, are much more difficult to diagnose since they could be cause by anything from allergies to irritants. But no matter what you’re dealing with, it’s possible to get some clarity on your situation. Through a simple blood test from any lab like chughtai lab, essa lab etc.